A Comprehensive Guide to Family Budgeting

Estimated Reading Time: 6 minutes

Written by Amie Fenech

Piggy Bank

Family budgeting is crucial for managing finances effectively and achieving financial stability. In the UK, families face various challenges due to the cost of living crisis, with rising food prices and soaring energy costs. However, with proper planning and smart strategies, we are managing to stretch our budget a little further to keep on goals on track. In this guide, we will delve into the essentials and help you create a family budget.

1.  Assess your fixed outgoings and earnings

It is so important that you know exactly what is going in and out of your bank account every month so you can properly budget and therefore prepare for upcoming expenses.  It is helpful to make a list of all direct debits and check the amount against your bank statement to ensure you have the correct, updated amount.  This is also a good opportunity to check if there are any direct debits that could potentially be cancelled like subscriptions you no longer need; a few pounds a month adds up.   At the same time, check your current pay slip so you know exactly how much you can expect to come in to your account every month.

1. Understanding the Cost of Living Crisis

The cost of living crisis in the UK has put a strain on family budgets. Rising food prices and increasing energy costs have become significant financial challenges. To tackle this crisis effectively, it is crucial to develop a clear understanding of your household’s monthly expenses. Start by listing all your regular expenses, including housing, utilities, travel, groceries, childcare, education, and healthcare.  It is important to check on this regularly as I know my budget from 6 months ago for food and energy is now no where near enough to cover the current costs.  This comprehensive overview of all of your outgoings will help you identify areas where you can potentially reduce costs and allocate resources more efficiently.

2. Setting Financial Goals

In order to stay focused, it is essential to set clear financial goals. It is important to assess what is important to you as a family and therefore let this guide your goals.  Establishing an emergency fund is usually the best place to start as this ensures that you have a safety net to rely on during unexpected financial setbacks. I aim to save at least three months’ worth of living expenses in a separate savings account, remember, this is the essentials only. This can seem really intimidating at first but we built this up slowly alongside other goals. This  fund will provide peace of mind and protect your family’s financial stability.  I use Monzo pots to save for this.

Reducing energy costs is another crucial goal. Start by conducting an energy audit of your home to identify areas of energy inefficiency. Simple steps such as installing energy-efficient light bulbs, using smart thermostats, and properly insulating your home can make a significant difference.  Switching suppliers has, in the past, always very effective but in the current market it doesn’t always pay.  Check out Compare the Market to see if you can find a better deal.

3. Practical Tips for Reducing Food Bills

Food expenses can be a significant portion of a family’s budget. To cut down on food costs without sacrificing tasty family meals, we have adopted the following strategies:

– Plan meals in advance: Create a weekly meal plan and prepare a shopping list accordingly. We ensure that a few meals use similar ingredient to minimise waste and to stretch the budget. I have recently discovered Lollipop which generates weekly meal plans using less ingredients.  You can then import this to a Sainsburys basket but I just use it as a meal planning tool!
– Cook in bulk: Prepare large batches of meals and freeze individual portions. This saves time and money, as well as prevents the temptation to rely on expensive takeaways or convenience foods.
– Shop smart: Take advantage of discounts, coupons, and loyalty programs. Compare prices between different supermarkets and consider purchasing own-brand products, which are often more affordable without compromising quality.
– Have quick low effort meals on hand: we always have a few store cupboard or freezer meals that can be made in 10-15 minutes to help reduce the temptation of a takeaway when we’re exhausted!


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4. Creating Sinking Funds for Specific Expenses

Sinking funds are separate savings accounts designed to set money aside for specific future expenses. By starting sinking funds, you can avoid financial stress when unexpected costs arise. Consider setting up sinking funds for major expenses such as Christmas, vacations, car repairs, home maintenance, and education. Allocate a small amount from your monthly budget to each sinking fund.  You can get really detailed on these depending on what works best for you.  I like to have a general savings account for emergencies as well as pots for every fixed annual cost I know will be coming up such as; TV Licence, Garden Waste Scheme, Car Insurance and Home Insurance.  I find having these pots means I am not caught short with a large cost one month.   Again, I have pots in my Monzo account for this and allocate to it in the family budgeting plan.

5. Saving!

Once you have assessed your outgoings, you can start allocating any spare money into specific funds for savings.  As a family, holidays are important to us as well as family days out so we prioritise putting extra in a pot for this every month.  We also save money for our children in a JISA as well as saving for larger purchases in the future like a new car when we need one.  I think it is so important to use some of your disposable money towards the things that bring you joy in life so make sure you put a little away every month so you can enjoy these things.

Make it a habit

Once you have done all of the above,  I make it a habit to check my direct debits every month so I am always aware of any fluctuating costs.  Once you have committed to a budget it is so important that you stick to it.  If you decide that you can spend £50 a month on takeaways and you have spent your allocated money, you have to be strict with yourself and wait until the next month before indulging again! Your family budgeting will soon start to pay off!


Create a Budget